Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Cuci's Freak..

Cuci The Musical is on stage again for the 2nd season. Aku tak terlibat dalam pementasan pertama dulu. Untuk staging kali ni aku akan terlibat dengan geng2 I that bad?..hahaha. So, akan ada scene which is I will hanging on air with safety rope and doing abseiling.

See you guys at Istana Budaya from 27th July until 9th August all the excitement in Cuci The Musical....This is the funniest staging ever...

Like 'N' Love

Got text from Miss J (baru je kenal tak sampai sebulan plak tu):

"Fazz, be my boyfriend nak x? I LIKE you. You don't have to dance. Live with me plsss. I love the way you treat me. Kalau u xnk tinggal dgn I, u duduk je kat area2 Damansara ni, dekat dgn I. U pakai kete I...I pakai my mom punya cooper. Senang U nk jmpe I. I'll ask papa about vacancy kat ofis dia. Aritu msa I g dinner dgn papa, dia ada tnya psal u"


"J...sori,i xble nak ada apa2 relationship skg. I xnk ada apa2's not the right time. I know ur family suka I...but we've only known each other tak sampai sebulan dun expect too much from me. One more thing, dance is my life..I xble nk quit from dancing. Thx coz offer me ur car n ur house..I xble nk trima semua's not good. Keep it for urself ok. We are still friend...if dalam 6-7 month baru kita bole ckp pasal relationship but not for now. I hope u understand" namanya tolak rezeki. Tapi aku rasa puas sebab aku jadi diri aku. When I dance...I want people to question the reality of what they're seeing....And yes, I'm not getting rich with dancing..but I really live my life...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Can I Cry!!???

Another text I got from HER...

"Fazli, whatever it is be strong. Jangan terlampau pikir n jangan terlampau work hard sampai memudaratkan diri. I tak boleh nak buat ape but I still concern about you though as a friend. I know it's hard for you to move on and I tak paksa you to do it as soon as possible. Everyone has their own way tackling this matter. You've choose yours cuma whether it is right or wrong. Apa2 pun jadi ada hikmah. And I believe that. Take care sweetie and you are always in my prayers. Good night..."

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Let's talk about soul-mate (bahasa melayu dia ala2 macam teman sejiwa)...sepanjang aku hidup dari Ogos 1982 sampai la ke bulan Julai 2010 aku rasa aku bertuah sebab di temukan dengan 2 orang soul-mate aku...sebab aku rasa tak semua orang pernah berkesempatan kenal kot dengan teman sejiwa diorang. Kuasa tuhan siapa yang tau kan :)

And the the special thing is...aku bertemu dan kenal dengan diorang dalam tahun ini. I'm very lucky kan... :)

The 1st one is...Ms. S(bukan nama sebenar). Yes, we fall in love to each other but you know..jodoh semua kat tangan tuhan kan. I still miss her (I know she miss me too) and never stop remember her in my whole life.

The 2nd one is Miss Arl_na M_n__r (tak boleh sebut nama nanti kontroversi). She's the one yang aku rasa bole cope dalam segala hal dengan aku. Love story, hobby, family problem, life problem dan yang sewaktu dengannya. Mula-mula kenal memang aku rasa macam jatuh hati...but bila fikir-fikir balik it's just a crush. Tapi sekarang bila dengan dia...aku tak rasa pun perasaan yang berkaitan dengan cinta. Aku cuma rasa perasaan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang kawan dengan dia. Akan tetapi, ada pulak manusia yang membuat kontroversi antara aku dengan dia...WHAT THE FISH!!??..Dah kenapa dengan hidup you all? Bingit la kepala aku macam ni. The simple thing can be the most complicated thing ever...

The 3rd one...yang ni additional 18/8/2010...on my bithday. Insyallah kalau takde aral melintang aku akan bina hidup dengan dia....doa2kan yang terbaik je la. She is the one yang aku cari2 selama ni.

Tapi soal hidup mati dan jodoh kan kat tangan PENCIPTA kita....I'm just going with the flow...kalau dah jodoh terima tapi kalau dah bodoh nak buat macamana kan.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Introducing to you.....jeng jeng jeng.....Nana

*hey...It,s my name on her back...hahaha..just playing around with pencil...

It's been since forever kot aku cari dance partner yang betul2 ada chemistry dengan aku. Before this I got a partner, she's good but kes2 gaduh dengan boyfriend tak suka menari la...what the fish!!!

This one..who i called Nana is even better than her...with a lot of passion...I can see it through her eyes, when she dance with me she's got some soul on the movement...I JUST LOVE THAT FEELS!!!!..We have the same interest in terms of choreography...songs...etc... ^_^