's been a while tak update blog,dah bersawang dah...hehehehe. Well, seriously aku memang busy sgt. Hujung-hujung tahun la katakan...banyak show...aku kan jantan kaberet....hahaha.
Ok, story benda yang best dulu.....I've been teaching Institut Kesihatan Umum for their dance competittion between their institute...and we won!!!! Alhamdulillah....aku tak sangka pulak menang sebab masa diorang perform macam takde orang sorak je tau2 jd champion plak. Last time pun masa aku contribute untuk Kolej KPJ Nilai pun menang jugak...hehehe...(yang ni aku just contribute idea and beberapa moves...the credit must go to Ms. Sha sebab dia byk bertungkus-lumus doing all the choreography).
Ape lagi ek..hurmm, my engagement on 20th November lepas :) Hope everything goes well....and I'm not the rebound guy anymore...hahaha. Then, I got an interview for one of the Malaysia finest power producer company. Already got the through for the 2nd interview. Hopefully kalau rezeki dapat la aku kerja kat situ.
What else...owh, almost forgot one thing. I got a call from somebody. It;s an invitation to be one of the honorable judge for a dance eyh!?...hehehe.
The Bad news is (not so bad la), hurmm...let me think....takde kot...semuanya macam berjalan lancar je. Alhamdulillah :)