Wednesday, May 14, 2008

8...the Lucky Number

Well, alhamdulillah....I think this is my luckiest year ever. Hopefully it will last longer. My birthday is on 18/08/1982. A lot of '8'. I got a new life, new job, new car (insyaallah).

What I want to do now is enjoying every minute of my happy life....minimize the problem maximize the happinest. I really hope all my friends are feel the same way too (i'll doa-doakan utk u all).

In life the spoils of victory go to those who make a 100% commitment to the outcome, to those who have a “no matter what it takes” attitude. They give it their all; they put everything they have into getting their desired result.

What a simple concept this is-yet you’d be surprised how many people wake up every day and fight with themselves over whether or not to keep their commitments, stick to their disciplines, or carry out their action plans.


NorAzrin MohdNawir said...

lucky no?? mine is no 7... huhuhu

Fazli Razali said...

7....use to be my lucky number once but not anymore.